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Advanced Myotherapies
Advanced Myotherapies
Controlling Stress by Detaching from the Outcome — Advanced Myotherapies
Advanced Myothera...

Stress is essentially the conflict that is created when we are confronted with something we want, a task we need to accomplish, or a goal we need to achieve and the challenge of accomplishing, achieving or acquiring the object of that wanting.In my work, we are taught to detach from the outcome when treating our patients. This is so that we can avoid falling into the “fix it” mentality which pulls us off our center and voids any possibility of a deeper healing.I was thinking about this recently as it relates to stress and it occurred to me that the actual stress is a result of an attachment to the outcome. For instance, let’s say that you are driving to work and come upon unexpected traffic. There may be consequences for being late but can you really control the traffic in front of you? You cannot. Therefore, realizing this and detaching from the need to control the situation allows you to detach from the outcome and therefore allows you to avoid internalizing at least some of the stress connected with the situation. You could also find a different route but in doing so, make sure that you don’t sift attachments to that new plan. Take a moment, take a deep breath and say to yourself, “everything will be alright, I’m doing the best I can”. Realize that no matter what the consequences you will be alright. Haven’t you always been in the past?

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Mark's Daily Apple
Mark's Daily Apple
How to Detach Yourself from the Outcome
Mark's Daily Apple

To avoid burnout and make life worth living, trying detaching yourself from the outcome. Your training will improve and you'll enjoy life more.

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