Reader Mode is a Chrome reading extension and web app that removes clutter, ads and distractions, that also includes dyslexia support, read-it-later, highlighter, annotation, text-to-speech, citation generator and many other features!
Customize the font, background color, and more 🎨
Reader Mode comes equipped with a collection of powerful features and tools so you can have the best reading and research experience possible.
Join 25,000+ happy readers using Reader Mode everyday
This extension was built with dyslexic readers in mind but can be helpful to others as well:
— Lifehacker (@lifehacker) November 16, 2019
L’extension Readermode a été conçue pour faciliter la lecture en pensant aux #dyslexiques - #Tice #DYS
— Fidel Navamuel (@outilstice) January 10, 2020
Reader Mode: This handy Chrome extension offers text-to-speech, dyslexia fonts, and other cool customization tools by @DavidGewirtz
— ZDNet (@ZDNet) November 21, 2019
Keep your browsing serene 🧘♀️⛅️
— Product Hunt (@ProductHunt) November 16, 2019
An extension to remove clutter, ads & distractions from any article ⚡️🙌
Funny how I spent my career writing CSS, making sites & app pretty but I absolutely love and heavily use Reader Mode by @ryzalyusoff , which strips all webpages clean.
— Amie Chen (@hyper_yolo) December 30, 2019
Good morning tweeps! Quick shout out to @ryzalyusoff the coder behind Reader Mode, a Distraction-free reader chrome extension Thanks for your awesome customer support! #apsued #edchat #edtechchat #timesaver
— ANIBAL PACHECO (@AnibalPachecoIT) November 18, 2019
ウェブ記事を大量に読むときに便利なGoogle Chrome拡張機能【今日のライフハックツール】
— ライフハッカー[日本版] (@lifehackerjapan) June 4, 2020
If you are looking for a great #ChromeExtension that will eliminate ads & clutter on websites and provide text-to-speech capabilities and more, look no further than @ReaderMode! I had a chance to add it to my browser and this extension is LEGIT! Check it out!#wearecue #gttribe
— Kyle Anderson (@AndersonEdTech) December 4, 2019
Read, highlight and annotate the web without distractions 📝📚
— Product Hunt (@ProductHunt) May 2, 2020
See more on our Wall of Love ❤️
Suitable for anybody that just wanted to remove clutter, ads and distractions and do basic customizations
Suitable for professionals, students & anyone that needs highlighting, note-taking and more customizations
Suitable for those who need cloud storage for their notes and articles, read-it-later, research mode and much more!